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RE: [RC] [RC] Hurricane in Florida - Friday the 13th - Howard Bramhall

Well, as some woman once said to me when I was single, "I'd have to really be drunk to spend the night at your place," all I can say is, drive over, get drunk and spend the night at my place. lol.

Seriously, any one, male, female, horse, on the west side of the state, who is on the run, (even the Weather Channel said Daytona is the place to be), you are more than welcome. No reservation required but you might want to call me for directions. 386-677-3052.

Man, I really wanted that beer!


----Original Message Follows----
From: <teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: <teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Howard Bramhall" <howard9732@xxxxxxx>,<ka3tdd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,<ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,<AERCMembersForum@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [RC] Hurricane in Florida - Friday the 13th
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 20:55:07 -0400

Thanks Howard but I think Debbie is now drinking the beer.  I spoke to her
tonight and she said that she was going to let her horses out in the
pasture.  Best place for them.  I am closer than she is to the eye and I
have been mandatory evacuated.  My horses will have free run of the paddock
and barn.  The barn is 4 times stronger than the house.  I don't expect the
house to be here at least the roof since it is a mobile home when I get
back.  I put white tape (elec) on their halters wrapped around one side with
their name and my phone number.  I tried the grease crayon on their butt but
I think they are too dirty. Behind us is a big enclosed 50 acres area.  It
has fencing throughout but it is pretty much enclosed.  I also spoke to
Truman and he is waiting to see what happens after it goes over Cuba.  He is
even closer than I am to the eye.  He might take you up on it.  Cross your
fingers and see you down the trail.

Teri Hunter

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Bramhall [mailto:howard9732@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 6:31 PM
To: teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ka3tdd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: Re: [RC] Hurricane in Florida - Friday the 13th

I feel purty safe here in Daytona Beach. All I want to know is if Debbie Parsons still has my German beer, promised to me, well, OK, I broke the promise, so, no beer for me. haha. (at least no Bischoff Pils).

386-677-3052.  Bring beer,  Plenty of room and, well, you might have to ride
with me (hurricanes tend to cool things down a bit and make Florida almost
exciting).  Be brave.  What could possibly happen at Howard's place?  lol.


----Original Message Follows---- From: "Teri Hunter" <teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Reply-To: "Teri Hunter" <teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: "Truman Prevatt" <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> CC: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Debbie Parsons" <ka3tdd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [RC] Hurricane in Florida - Friday the 13th Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 08:44:11 -0400

I just saw that.  Dosen't that make it more of a problem for you and I
   ----- Original Message -----
   From: Truman Prevatt
   To: teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ; Debbie Parsons
   Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 8:41 AM
   Subject: Re: [RC] Hurricane in Florida - Friday the 13th

This morning the forcast has been changed. It has been shifted west. It is now projected to come ashore between Tampa and the Big Bend. It has to get over Cuba first. It could move even further west.

So maybe the folks in the east should be the ones providing shelter.


teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

One more mistake, I guess I am tired of watch the weater.

     I said "Anyone on the line or west is going to get it the worst."  I
meant East of the line.
       -----Original Message-----
       From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of teri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:12 PM
       To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
       Cc: Debbie Parsons; Truman Prevatt
       Subject: [RC] Hurricane in Florida - Friday the 13th

There are several endurance riders that might need some help evacuating their horses out of the line of the hurricane. If you anyone lives to the east of the line please post to me privately. Also you might want to post if you can offer help with evacuation to anyone that lives on the line of the hurricane. I do know of one person, Debbie who is in Plant City. From what I just heard she is directly in the eye of the hurricane. She has one donkey, 5 horses and a baby. Most likely we will need to evacuate her tomorrow sometime. She also does not know I am posting this but I do know she will welcome the help. She has a two horse trailer. Anyone on the line or west is going to get it the worst. Thanks for your help.



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It is necessary to be exalted, and yet take modesty as a foundation."

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