[RC] Carolina Moonlite and Samantha - Sharon Hinshaw
First...congratulations to Samantha for her finish
of the 100 miler at the Carolina Moonlite Ride. She has earned everyone's
respect and I have nothing but admiration for her tremendous effort. I am so
sorry I wasn't there to cheer her on. I had to pull after the third loop of the
50 miler due to heat exhaustion with my horse still getting all A's at the vet
check, how very disappointing! But you know the saying ride til you puke...well
let me tell you the heat/humidity at this ride was overwhelming to several..it
was 98 degrees in the shade with 100% humidity most of the day with very little
relief during the night. So to all who finished or even attempted this ride,
their horses and their crew members...well done! A huge thanks to JD, the vet
staff, all the volunteers and all the people along the trail who supplied
Second... congratulations to all the Tevis riders,
especially all the riders from the E and SE. And thank you to all who
supplied pictures of the ride. That was the only thing that made me feel better,
coming home to those pictures!! To everyone stay well hydrated!!! I think I'll
keep my head out of the sun for awhile....Sharon Hinshaw and Dio