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Re: [RC] Leaving after rides - heidi

I didn't think it was very good for the horses to put them into a
trailer for a long drive after doing 50 miles anyway?

I sure don't like to.  Sometimes it is not avoidable.  But when that's the
case, usually staying for the awards is just about enough time for them to
get rested up and be ready to haul, never mind that evening is a cooler
time to haul a tired horse in the summer anyway.  So if I HAVE to leave, I
usually get all packed and ready, and then go to the awards, and pull out
right after.  (Still not my preference--but this past weekend was one of
those where the choice was either that or not go at all...)



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[RC] Gold Country Awards, rides2far
[RC] Leaving after rides, Kristen A Fisher