Well put, Heidi. I don't want to read thread after
thread of religious arguments, but I have to say this.
How in the world can anyone think that
someone else who is hoping, wishing or praying for YOUR safety and
that of YOUR horse on the trail at anytime, is inappropriate or offensive?
That was the original intent of the first post.
How about if we say something like, "Since ya'll
are a bunch of know-it-alls, and we are all sick of it, we hope you fall, break
bones, loose your horse over a cliff and your trailer burns to the ground."
How many would say "Amen" or "Hear! Hear!" to
that? Shoot, people would be breaking their necks to get to a computer just to
write about it on RIDECAMP!!
Remember what your mother told you about receiving
gifts you didn't want or like?