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Re: [RC] Bucking - Dot Wiggins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ridecamp Guest" <guest-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 2:27 PM
Subject: [RC] Bucking

Please Reply to: Lianne Cantrall dcantrall105@xxxxxxx or
This is why most cowboy's horses have short tails.  (;>)

save my life. As the horse went buckin g past me off trail into the brushy
forest , I saw a huge bramble stuck to his tail and wraped into his  Hind
End. This Horse thought the cougar had landed. It wasn't just a little
bramble, it was the inch long thorns that dig in and will

The whole ride experience can be very hard, and at times you question why
you put yourself through such abuse. But then you remember all those
moments when you pop up over a hill and are suddenly surrounded by the most
stunning views.  It's just you and your horse and for a moment time stops
and you can hear the angels sing.  Therein lies the addiction, at least for
~  Leslie Beyers

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[RC] Bucking, Ridecamp Guest