WooHoo! Been there, done that! Holly backed off into one of
those cactuses that breaks into a million pieces when you touch it and got it
wrapped in her tail and securely stuck between her thighs on a trail ride in W.
Texas last year...I did manage to stay on until she stopped just long enough for
me to get off. Definitely an interesting ride and I don't get as far off the
trail as I did that day anymore. So much for being 'polite' and waiting
while friend puts on her Easyboots, lol.
haven't had horses buck very often with me, usually just a playful pop, but
two weeks ago I had an all out rodeo under me. I did not know what
caused the rodeo until I bailed to save my life. As the horse went buckin g
past me off trail into the brushy forest , I saw a huge bramble stuck to his
tail and wraped into his Hind End. This Horse thought the cougar had
landed. It wasn't just a little bramble, it was the inch long thorns that dig
in and will not let go. I never saw it coming because he caught it from behind
with his tail. He bolted forward and bucked like I have never felt. I tried to
bend him to a stop. His head was tense and in the bucking position, I could
not reel him in. I have never had that feeing before. He knows the one
rein stop, I ride him in a ropehalter all the time. But this guy went straight
to his right brain and there was no coming back. He headed off trail into the
trees and brush. I did not want to become mince meat so I baled. If it had
been in the desert with open terrian and no mud to slip and fall on , I would
have tried to ride it out. In my book , no horse is bomb proof. But I
did find him, or my neighbor who was out riding in another direction found my
horse a half mile away. We lived to ride another day. He has marks on the back
of his hind end where the thorns took hold. Poor guy, I hate those things,
I know how he felt. A few days later I decided I better try the
desensitize him. I cut some bramlbes and rubbed him all over with them
dangling around and underneath him. He hardly looked at them. It was he thorns
that hooked him and would'nt let go that got to him. I still have a big bruise
in my buttocks to prove it. My arm ached for aday, the arm that tried to
pull his head around on a bucking
horse. Lianne
==================== It is how we "feel" deep
inside that matters, cause each of us knows the truth, regardless of how we
try make it complicated. It just isn't. ~ Frank