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Re: [RC] [RC] Bucking - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Nicole z_arabs@xxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

With close to 50 years riding experience, including
the training of about 30 horses, I will say 'they all
buck' at least once in their lifetime.
Gee, I'm not quite to 45 years of riding experience, and am 
likely not quite up to 30 trained (although I've trained my 
share), and I honestly have to say that I've only had a few 
that ever bucked.  Spook, shy, jump around, yes--but buck, no.
And I've ridden a few of those through their lifetimes... 
I'm only at about 25+ years riding experience & 10-15 horses 
trained or re-trained (had a couple that came to me "trained" but
needed to be completely restarted).  Like Heidi, I've only had...
umm... one? that bucked.  And he only did it when learning to 
canter out on trail, and it was very clearly a "yeehaa!" buck 
that he only did a handful of times and never again.

I'm really racking my brains trying to come up with another buck.
I can't come up with one.  

Reminds me of a NH guru I was watching on RFDTV the other day.  He
said something like "95% of horses started in conventional methods
will buck on their first ride" vs his method where "95% don't 
buck on the first ride" (or something like that, sorry, those may 
not be the exact percentages he used). Anyway, I use "conventional"
-- ie. dressage & patience -- methods to start youngsters and I've
NEVER had a buck on a first ride, and as noted above I can only
think of one bucker ever.  Made me think that his definition of
"conventional" and mine were not the same.  Of course, the horse
in his demo while he was talking about these percentages did what 
*I* would consider a buck and he said "that doesn't count."


And remember, an arab's fourth gait is the spook! 
~  Jeanie Miller

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