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Re: [RC] Still on breeeding ............ - heidi

Fortunately, Heidi
That is no longer the case here. My understanding from the Registry is
that breeding is down-- thank goodness-- and there actually is a
shortage of athletic, performance horses. In fact, Riding magazine wrote
 an article about it a month ago. They felt the Arabian market could
come  back up because there is not the overproduction anymore. It's
about  time!! Except for breeding for my clients and one "ooops" baby
(how  Dancer did it through a five rail pipe corral we'll never figure
out---  how far can it stretch??!!! :-) ), I haven't bred for a few
years now. Bette
The problem now is that there is still an overabundance of cheap geldings
that are throwaways from the show programs, and the surviving breeding
stock from folks who had the foresight to hang on to classical using
horses and perpetuate them are a tiny minority of our breed.

It used to be that the show programs were just the pinnacle of the riding
horse world, so one COULD go to show barns and buy their spinoffs and get
decent riding stock.  That is no longer the case.

So it can still be a tough thing to sort through the dross of the last few
decades of breeding to find the good riding horses--unless one DOES make a
major effort to educate one's self about what constitutes good riding
type, and about programs that consistently produce same.  They ARE out
there--but there are still plenty of "the other kind" as well.


Common sense should also be a part of the decision making process. If you
see someone who doesn't have any, hand them your tool box.
~ Lisa Salas - The Odd Farm

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Re: [RC] Still on breeeding ............, Kristene Smuts
Re: [RC] Still on breeeding ............, heidi
Re: [RC] Still on breeeding ............, Bette Lamore