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RE: [RC] truck water tanks -
Rebecca Rohwer
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Re: [RC] A questionWhat is the most common cause of horses going lame at -
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] Recipe for a 100 - Dabney Finch
John Bass wrote:
The next time you die hard LDer's think it's endurance try doing four the same day.
John--that's a great way to describe a 100 to an LDer. Altough I would add it's exponential--it feels more like 6 times an LD in reality.
( Although it's better to describe it to yourself during a 100 as 4.)
Likewise a 100 is more than 2 times a 50.
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Re: [RC] A questionWhat is the most common cause of horses going lame at -
Lynne Glazer
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RE: [RC] truck water tanks -
Rebecca Rohwer
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Re: [RC] Recipe for a 100
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Re: [RC] Recipe for doing a 100