[RC] gooseneck hitch placement - Amy MartinAfter a week long extravaganza of husband and the local welder trying to put on our gooseneck hitch they finally gave up and took it to the professionals today. The professionals put it on just a tad ahead of the rear axel. Husband and the welder had planned it several inches ahead as per hitch instructions and the hitch shop enlarged the hole husband made in the bed of my truck and moved it back. Will it be ok so close to the rear axel?? There is probably not anything I can do about it now since it is home. Welder took the truck from me down to the hitch shop to get it finished so we didn't see it till after it was home and paid for. At least it is a small and light gooseneck trailer, 3100#. Looking at local trucks pulling goosenecks I see both some at the axel and some several inches ahead. Any ideas which is better for a horse trailer? Tried a google search and found it recommended both ways. Amy in Texas ============================================================ REAL endurance is your water freezing IN the cantle bags! ~ Heidi Sowards ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================