Re: [RC] [RC] Ancient Greeks & Romans - Truman Prevatt
Well if you want to get picky, from the Defense Mapping Agency; DMA
Techincal Report: Supplement to Department of Defense World Geodetic
System 1984 (WGS84); Part II, Parmameters, Formulas, etc. WGS 84 is the
datum normally used in GPS. The following is the current standard.
That makes a km = .621371192237334 (rounded off) statute miles so 5/8's
is off by a few feet ;-) ...LOL
Bet you didn't know I had that six inch report at my finger tips?
Anyway what I think I said was 6/10's not 3/4's or at lesat I meant to.
Howard Bramhall wrote:
Not to ever correct
my buddy, Truman, on anything, but I must differ here. 3 years
stationed in Germany did teach me something (Eine bierre, bitte). One
kilometer equals 5/8ths of a mile, not 3/4's. I do remember this for
some absurd reason. The suggested speed on the German autobahn, where
they rarely posted a speed limit at all, was 120 KPH, which, equated to
75 MPH.
Back then (not sure how it is now) that was considered a moderate
speed, and, if you only went 120 KPH you'd better stay in the right
hand land so the Beamers and Mercedes could pass you by.
Howard (Zwei bierre, bitte)
-- We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters
and only
imitate our masters
only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only
in doing so we
learn the truth about what cannot be imitated.