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[RC] Cheating Statement-Apology - rides2farAfter Angie let me have it, I realized my statement about hearing accusations of cheating at rides did not exactly come out right. Well...as long as we're having a confession session I'll say that I'm so horrible with name recognition and recollection that it didn't hit me what face went with that name until you sent me a note and I *do* know you...pretty well. >blush< As a matter of fact we crewed right next to each other at the ride. From what I've gathered from several private postings and conversation is that there was *no* problem with cheating at the ride. The only problem was with someone *claiming* someone cheated, and then realizing it was they who had jumped the gun and were wrong. I've said things during a ride before that I'm not proud of. Sometimes the fatigue, competition, etc. just make you a little stupid. Since I later felt very stupid for some things I said it was a little easier for me when I was a manager to let slide stupid things some competitors said. If they still said them after resting and re-hydrating I might take it personal. However, if a person does that sort of thing once they should catch themselves the next time...sort of open the mouth and have a sudden "de ja vous" and then quickly shut it again. I think the moral from this whole thread isn't nearly so much that we have too many cheaters as it is that we should not be quick to accuse when it's nothing but a wild guess on our part. One sweet warning from friends to watch their tongue should set them straight. If they make a habit of such accusations they are liable...as my students would say...to get "fired on", "clacked" or as my dog trainer used to say, "given a good correction". >g< Didn't meant to be rough on Jenny...just a tad defensive of my region. She's a darned good 100 mile rider and a wecomed addition to the South. They have more 100 milers than the need in the NE anyway. >g< Angie, off to do penance for snapping at a nice person when not dehydrated. ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today! ============================================================ By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. ~ Confucius ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================