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Re: [RC] Wolves ------now some perspective on what kind of trails do you want? - heidiWhat is important to me, and here it is horse related....is that I can get on a horse and ride into NATURAL and native areas....where I can see native wildlife and birds, and natives grasses and plants. This is the main reason I have horses and ride. have absolutely no interest, ever, in riding in a place where native species have been eradicated and replaces by non native plants and grasses, feral domestic animals and livestock. That is exactly what those of us here want as well. The wolves are NOT natural in this area, and I would FAR rather see the elk, deer, etc. But what has happened with cattle ranching here is that the native habitat has improved significantly in the past 50 years so that we have MORE elk, deer, etc. than we used to have. I grew up in this area, and moving back after 30 years away, it is really great to see how much the habitat has improved. When I was a kid we had only a handful of elk--now elk are common. I understand there were a few moose--but I never saw one in all my years riding range as a kid. I now have a couple of families of moose close by. Our bald eagle numbers are 3-4 times what they were. Golden eagles are up. But the elk numbers have been taking a nosedive since the introduction of the UNnatuaral-to-our-area wolves. You state that you don't want to see non-native plants and grasses crowd out the normal flora--good for you! So why is it ok for the non-native wolves to be forced in here to kill off our other wildlife???? Heidi ============================================================ Black care rarely sits behind a rider whose pace is fast enough ~ Theodore Roosevelt ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================