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Re: [RC] Wolves ------now some perspective on what kind of trails do you want? - Karen Sullivan----- Original Message ----- From: "John and Rose Muffett" <rose_m_j@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> One day you might just not have a trail left to ride on! Have you ever thought of that! Regards, Rose Muffett *Rose, I live in a county in Northern Calif that has HORSE trails on county land (and adding more), horse trails on state forest land (adding and improving those, and horse trails on federal land BLM (and adding vast acerages to that). I also have within driving range, great trails on National Park and seashore lands.... What is important to me, and here it is horse related....is that I can get on a horse and ride into NATURAL and native areas....where I can see native wildlife and birds, and natives grasses and plants. This is the main reason I have horses and ride. have absolutely no interest, ever, in riding in a place where native species have been eradicated and replaces by non native plants and grasses, feral domestic animals and livestock. I willingly ride nto Mt. Lion territory rattlesnake territory and bear. I take this risk upon myself and do not want or expect these areas to be made "safe". We have coyotes run through our property, raccoons, possums, etc. We made a large, well fenced run for the chickens, and I keep my precious little dog close to me. Yet, becuase we have eliminated so many predators....guess what our county had MAJOR problems with? Feral pigs, damn introduced Rio Grande Turkeys ("planted" by Fish and Game with no biological studies whatsoever-purely for the sport hunters). The turkeys are wrecking havoc on the farms, vineyards and destroying much of the native flora....feral pigs, well, no need to go into the destruction they do. Packs of "pet" dogs do far more damage to livestock than the few coyotes we have left. Karen ============================================================ People in Alabama swear by manure tea as an herbal remedy for colds. ~ Lisa Redmond ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================