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[RC] wolves killing livestock and reasons why - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Kimberly Price kprice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or 

I'd like to throw one bit of somewhat little known research is out there, that 
wolves do indeed kill many sheep or lambs at once as the prey are enclosed by 
fences.  In the real world the prey can disperse and get away, the predator 
drive is satisfied when one animal is brought down, but our man-made artificial 
world creates an environment where the predator drive is accentuated by prey 
which cannot dispurse and massive killings become common.

So no, it isn't for 'fun' although some is to teach youngsters how to hunt.  
Also, research shows if you take out the predators then another will take its 
place, maybe one not as well behaved as the first.  IF there are no more 
predators then the prey that MAN likes to hunt will be diseased as man only 
weeds out the young tender strong meat, not the old and sickly meat like 
natural predators do, and once again the balance is screwed up.

It is the right wing anti-predator thinking which endangered  the wolf and 
grizzly to threatened extinction in the first place.  Sorry, but I believe in 
feedlots for our cattle and wild places our predators can still populate.  Its 
time we recognize the value of this and quit destroying the earth God gave us.

===========================================================One of the great 
joys of being a pompous idiot is that you can do and think
whatever you want.
~  Homer Safferwiffle

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