Re: [RC] [RC] Drug testing - detection and sample size - heidiA rule that is not enforced is worthless. The only way to enforce is through drug testing. Can't have it both ways. "Enforcement" need not be a cop every half mile with a radar gun. In fact, enforcement need only be what it takes to get compliance. We DO have enforcement--my odds of being tested at an AERC ride are roughly on par with my odds of meeting an officer with a radar gun on a rural Idaho highway. From what testing we do, it certainly appears that the level of compliance with the AERC drug rule is FAR superior to the level of compliance with posted speed limits on rural Idaho highways. Does that mean we should do away with our speed limits? I think not. Heidi ============================================================ We are talking about all the tools we can use to keep our horses safe and alive at the rides. Training/conditioning is one of the best tools available. It makes us better horseman and women, it benefits our horses and could quite possibly be the key to preventing most crashes. ~ Lisa Salas - The Odd Farm information: ============================================================