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[RC] Re:Foal nutrition - A. Perezregarding the 3-week old foal eating Mom's grain, I read some time ago in "The Horse" magazine (sorry, can't recall which volume) that a study showed that foals fed grain prior to weaning was more likely to grow up to become a cribber than foals fed no grain before weaning. I also cared for a neighbor who let foal eat moms grain, and foal was a more assetive horse... Mom ended up skin and bones. I cared for his horses for a month+ while he was away, and separated Mom and foal at meal times. When the owner returned, he marvelled at how much weight Mom had gained.... then went right back to his old feeding habits. Ended up giving Mom away for free ebcause she looked to poor... then asked for her back after his owners got her fattened back up (sigh). My suggestion, obviously, is to give Mom a break and separate them while feeding... also good to get foal used to short periods of separation at an ealy age. Put foal in stall nest to Mom, or in adjoining paddock, where they can see eacvh other. ________________________________________________ Get your own "800" number Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more http://www.ureach.com/reg/tag ============================================================ Riding alone is when you teach a horse all the "tools" and "cues" he needs to handle the trail, to hold a speed, deal with hills, etc. It's also where you develop the "bond" that causes him to "defer" to you before losing his cool. ~ Jim Holland ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================