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[RC] Kerry Ridgway's clarification re. CRI - Lari Shea

(Kerry does not regularly read ridecamp, so I forwarded to him Merryben's synopsis of the history of the CRI...)

Lari... you might pass this on to Ridecamp.
MB's statement regarding CRI is totally inaccurate. I am unaware of any human study in 1939.(Would love to see it if it exists).  Murray Fowler was indeed head vet for my first Tevis Vetting (1967), however no data was collected on this subject and no discussion of this topic ever occurred with Murray. .
Jim Steere (a few years down the line) developed a system of taking the pulse (with stethoscope) every 5 minutes and then computing % of recovery. It was good, but cumbersome and impractical.
When the first Heart Rate Monitors came out (Eq -B) I got one and started collecting data on my own horse. He could return to a 48 heart rate within 30 minutes even when very fatigued, but I found that if he trotted any significant distance his pulse would again climb and be very slow to return when he was fatigued, but not when he was fresh and felt good to go on. I settled on some figures and then tried them on an NATRC ride. The results provided an excellent bell curve with fit horses recovering from trot out within one minute from start of trot out. The horses that were exhibiting exhaustion were not able to recover to a base line pulse in that time frame.
The next trial was at a Race of Champions (I don't remember which year) held at John and Bobbie (Raccine) DePietra's in Castlerock Colorado. Susan Brannon (now Susan Gibson) allowed us to test it, but it was not used as a test parameter but was not used as part of the protocol of fit to continue. Dane Frazier noted that we picked up a horse that did not meet the CRI, but looked excellent. Within ten minutes the horse tied up and required treatment. We then tested it at the Levi Ride and Tie with good success..
In all those tests it proved to be a valid and valuable parameter and we started using it on many rides. Now, the rest is history. Murray Fowler ( a great veterinarian) had no knowledge of nor part to play in the development. Jim Steere deserves credit for his original concept and stimulated my interest. It was not until we were able to look at data by use of Heart Rate Monitors that the concept became a real possibility.
Kerry Ridgway, DVM

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