> Personally, I think it is important that animals have some >
way to get out of the sun in summer and wind/rain in the >
My horses are standing in the shade in the morning
snoozing and in the heat of the day they are out in the pasture
eating. When it rains or snows, they will hide for a few minutes
under shelter, but their stomach always gets the best of them and they'll
be standing out in the rain eating. Go figure!
be it a shed, under trees, etc, preferably with free- >
choice access. Heat and sun are probably worse then cold/rain: >
horses keep warm much better then they cool off.
I agree
totally, and feel it is borderline abusive to at least not have
the option of shelter in bad weather. Every horse that has lived on
my property (probably over 20) have had options of shelter in bad
weather They all figure it out and come in out of the rain. I am NOT a
fan of stalling horses; in fact, mine are SHUT out unless it is
raining, to keep stalls dry for when they DO need them; otherwise some
use the stall for their bathroom Mine
too!! Why is that? Just to annoy the heck out of us so we have
to clean them? I've heard they kind of mark their area, so if it's a
new smell they will urinate or poop in the area. But....I don't put
anything in the stalls, just leave the mats there and I can never get them
completely clean and they still pee and poop in them!!
I am not the sort of person either who closes up
horses in trailers, my is stock sides and well ventilated. I throw on
coolers on if they are sweaty on cold days after hards rides. But, I do
hate to see horses shivering out in the rain.....
As far as heat
and sun, I have a funny story. I have a front field of about 6 acres,
with at least 80 nice leafy trees. There is a corner of the pasture by
the bend of the road....where in the summer, is the first place that
gets shade from the hill across the street by 4:00 when the sun is
dropping. Dumb horses know there WILL be shade, and often are
standing out in 105 degree heat with heads drooping for hours, just
WAITING for that shade to come; they have faith the shade will come,
but mixed up clocks in their brains. Meanwhile, not 20 yards away are
lovely, nice shady