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Re: [RC] High School Football (was: Training facilities) - Heidi Smith

And while I cannot say for sure about high school basketball
in Heidi's neck of the woods, I can definitely say that what
she says isn't true of high school football in my neck of
the woods....and as a result here in Southern California
teen age boys are using dog steroids from Mexico because, to
quote a high school football coach whose brother (or maybe
it is his brother in law) is a friend of mine, "No, high
school football isn't just a game any more."

WHAA-AT, kat, you mean that there are good ol' red-blooded Amurcun sports
where folks cheat?  And that playing football in the Olympics isn't what
causes it??  Surely you jest!

You make my point.  It isn't the Olympics or international competition at
the root of all evil.  It is how we conduct ourselves in our own countries
in any given sport.  And what goes on at the Olympics neither elevates nor
ruins the sport at home--we do that ourselves.


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[RC] High School Football (was: Training facilities), k s swigart