I had the privilege of riding under Jim Steere when he
advocated percentage of recovery, the early 80s I think. It sure was
interesting. The theory was that one came roaring in, and immediately the
pulse was taken. We didn't even get off the horse as the pulse was already
dropping once we stopped. Then 10 min later, the pulse was taken again, if
you had 50% recovery, you lost no points. But, the flaw was this. If
you were riding a well conditioned horse with many years under its belt, the
pulse never got that high and once you stopped, it was dropping fast
immediately. I use to have to run Charlie in all out, screech to a halt,
move my leg back so the pulse could be taken. I don't think his pulse was
even around 120 and if it dropped to the 70s I did not get the 50%
recovery. And he was in excellent shape. I believe he worked at a
trot around 90 beats!! It was interesting though and Jim Steere was alot
of fun. His wife told me how they rode across No Hands Bridge side by side
holding hands.! I almost got sick thinking of doing that. I would
have to crawl on my hands and knees with the reins in my teeth across that
bride. I don't handle heights that well with drop offs on both
sides. LOL Jeanie