Sylvia wrote>>>>So what speed does speed
kill? If anybody has the exact formula....the Duck!?.....can you clue
us in? I'd consider riding a new/green horse in 5 hour 50 milers as
potentially deadly......Less deadly with an experienced rider or a vet
riding them, surely that's the case. <<<<
I think the blanket statement "speed kills" is
pretty misleading. I think "speed CAN wreak havoc" is more
fitting. Riding any horse 10mph for 50 miles can be hazardous,
but it is done every week, and sometimes faster.
IMHO, and 25 years AERC of experience, I feel safe
to say that if you condition your healthy, well fed horse in the manner in
which many of the books, the AERC, and experienced riders recommend, you can
safely go to a ride and under the watchful eye of a ride vet, pace your horse at
your conditioning speed for 50 miles. Build from there, go a little faster
if you like, at subsequent rides, provided you have been passing vet checks
and your finish line marks are good. The key is to ride your horse enough
to KNOW him. Know when he is not right- even a LITTLE not right, and don't
hesitate to pull him.
There is no formula, there is no recipe. Each
horse and rider are different and the rider needs be aware enough to know when
to call the shots and slow down or when they can 'push the envelope' and speed
up, if that is in their 'need'.
Laura Hayes AERC#2741 (look at my record with
Equal Terms, I started each of her two seasons back in the pack, and placed
higher at each ride....I didn't do that on fact, I didn't even know
it until I went to the database to see how many miles she