>>>>Anyway, my question is just how bad does it need to get before the
animal welfare people will really do something? I know if there are horses
dying, then they'll do something, but I don't want to call them just to have
them do nothing.<<<<
My suggestion, having been the Executive Director
of an SPCA, and it's animal cruelty investigator, is to study the animal cruelty
and neglect laws in your state, and what may be on the books locally. Now
ask yourself "does what I am seeing appear to be against the law?"
An animal agency can not force anyone to change
their husbandry habits if there is no statute against whatever it is that you
are uncomfortable with. What they can do, is education or persuasion to
change the animal owner's care. Some agencies are better at that than
Get to know your local agency and see where they
stand on benign neglect. Do they have someone in place who can
educate horse owners in a non threatening way? Many small non profit
shelters or public shelters do not - they are not able to afford that specific
type of employee. Maybe there is a place for you to
I would suggest in thinking about stepping in to
report someone, that you really think hard about whether the animal is really
suffering. If it is a case of an adult pony living alone, he may never
need vaccinations and worming or a coggins....I know that is not what we would
do, but may not really be at risk...As far as hoof care- some horses can do fine
with minimal care- are they suffering? If they are impaired to the point
of being lame, then yes, they are suffering, but if they have unsightly feet,
well, they most likely are not in pain- what can be done?
One of the biggest problems I saw as an animal
welfare agent, was people who wanted me to impose their standard of care on
others. It just won't fly. I could speak to the owner about
care, but I couldn't force them to change- then the complainant would be mad at
me and accuse me of 'doing nothing.'
I could go on and on,but it is 12:09 Eastern
Standard Time on December 25. If I don't get to bed soon, Santa won't stop