Re: [RC] OT - Mad Cow Disease in WA State - Truman Prevatt
The real problem is in the cattle feed. They use ground up animal parts
for protein. To use only vegetable sources of protein would make cattle
feed more expensive. It's cheaper and it carries the disease.
Thanks to mad cow and the fact I've spent a total of 6 months in
England in the last 5 years, I can't give blood in this country. It can
be transmitted in the blood supply (which was just verified in England)
and as of the last time I tried to give blood I was told they don't
have a test to detect it in the blood supply.
Mike Sofen wrote:
For all of you (humans) who eat beef, this may explain
why you "haven't quite been feeling yourself lately"... and it still
doesn't explain why Arabian horses act like mad cows when they don't
even eat meat... :-)
I remain confident that our country administrators
know absolutely nothing of the situation and how bad it might truly be
(fyi - mad cow disease does not suddenly "crop up" in one solitary
animal in an entire country). We will shortly see how powerful the US
beef industry really is...