Re: [RC] [RC] another proposal - Heidi Smith - Erica R. DeVoti
Heidi writes: "And to add to this--it isn't what it says on your ride
record that earns or loses you respect--"
To me, when I look at someone's ride record I look
at metabolic pulls. (*Not* RO-M). If I see someone races
consistently for first place in sub 4 and 5 hour times, and they have a number
of metabolic pulls, then what that says to me is...."this person rides on the
edge to get the win, and puts his horse in danger." I see a number of fine
riders who ride to win in sub 4 and 5 hour times, with rarely a metabolic
pull. I respect these riders for their preparation and skill. If a
person rides middle to back of the pack and has "consistent" metabolic pulls,
then my concern is they need more information regarding
electrolytes, hydration/feed, or choosing the right prospect. It is
the consistent metabolic pulls with the racing mentality that loses my respect,
and that is apparent on the ride records.