Uh Oh.... As a
professional terrier handler, I'm afraid I can't pass this one up.
If someone has to cull the less desireable puppies from their litters, then they
should be taking a hard look at what they are doing. For
someone to breed more puppies than they can place in GOOD homes just so they can
boost their ego with the number of champions they have produced is
The difference in responsible
people that are breeding dogs and commercial kennels/puppy mills is that
responsible breeders are limiting their numbers and selling pets with spay
neuter contracts and limited registration.
That's one thing that the
horse industry should look at. They geld the horses that they don't
want to be used (and carry their farm name). But why don't they spay the
mares?? The registrations show "gelding", couldn't they just
as easily show a mare is being bought "unbreedable"?
I show and breed dogs and I can tell you from personal
experience there are some "show" breeders out there that mass produce more
then the commercial kennels/puppy mills. One show breeder makes her
living off selling her dogs. Another show breeder euthanizes a lot of
her "pet" stuff. Culling litters IMO is a respectable thing to do, but
she's still producing tons of dogs to get a few champions.
Either way the "left overs" end up dead. At least with horses going to
slaughter they are feeding someone.
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> keeping uncastrated male animals (horses, dogs and
Don't forget unspayed females.... I have thought this for
years but it is an unpopular idea. I have a georgeous German Shepherd
with a mile long pedigree of German imports with Shutzhund III degrees but
he is neutered. In order to breed dogs you really need to show them
and have a "real" kennel....my opinion