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RE: [RC] Attention Newbies, slowbies, etc. - rides2far

-- My goal for this first year is to finish this 50 This might
not seem like too much of a lofty goal for you "oldies" but for this
"newbie" it is huge. Everything else beyond it is gravy.

Remember, no time limit...so you'd have earned 20% of the requirements for my 
proposed goal. If it takes you 5 years, no difference. I'm just trying to think 
up, or get someone else to think up appropriate conditions for the award. I 
like the Horse of the Future idea, but want something that two or even 20 
horses could earn in one year. 

Instead of competing against each other I want them to compete against 
conditions...trails, limitations, all the obstacles to getting one started 
right. The object is for the rider to concentrate on learning to know their own 
horse, not the competition...just yet. We might be able to pull some people 
back who have chosen CT as the place to start their beginning horses if we have 
appropriate incentives to grab their interest. Maybe, in a best case scenario, 
there would soon be a "peer group" of others who are pacing concervatively and 
in the "first 2 years" division. Also, it would encourage the idea of long term 
goals and the idea that the first 2 years *are* for building a base.

Actually, at Skymont this weekend I saw just such a peer group. I noticed 2 out 
of 3 of the horses were still dappled gray and knowing they turn lighter with 
age asked their age. They were 5 & 6. Their owners, both former winners were 
pacing at the back of the pack and really in training mentally. Both horses 
were very capable of passing quite a few who finished ahead of them but they 
resisted the urge and just chilled. It was impressive to watch.

For those wondering about why I'm looking for a new horse. It's just hit me 
that my daughter & I are both on aged horses. We *need* to get another started 
while we've still got a veteran for them to follow. I have no urge to have 2 
green horses at once!


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