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Re: [RC] Education - Dana B.

Kim wrote:

The resources available from AERC, internet groups like Ridecamp, regional endurance clubs,AERC mentoring programs and several good books on endurance riding (Nancy Loving's book comes to mind) provide more then enough education if newbies are willing to be educated.


I have to agree with Kim.  The resouces are there if you take the trouble to look for them and use them.  I am an avid reader and researcher, but I have to say that the most wonderful resource for me has been the riders and vets themselves.  I "met" an endurance rider through a discussion on this list who has become my good friend and mentor.  Everytime I go to a ride I meet other riders and vets who are more than willing to to bend over backwards to help a new rider.  I can't think of a person on this list who wouldn't help or find help for someone needing it to the best of their ability. 

There's always talk about whether or not a horse is suited for the sport.  My own personal view is that endurance is and will always be a hazardous sport for both horse and rider.  It is absolutely imperative that the rider recognize that and do whatever it takes to educate themselves to take care of their horse.  I think maybe riders that need to be spoonfed are the ones not suitable for this sport. 

I did my first LD a year and a half ago.  I've done three more since then, along with some NATRC rides.  But even given my limited time and exposure, I have made some wonderful and supportive friends who do not hesitate to help and advise.  I'm not a particularly social person (I can approach horses way more easily than people) but all I had to do was ask, and there's always been someone there to help.

For instance, last week I asked for help regarding a horse we were looking at for my son.  Within a day I had half-a-dozen endurance folks helping me, and as a result we are going today to look at a much more suitable horse.  Without the support of these people, most of whom I haven't even met, I might have made a huge mistake.  Plus, I have the added benefit getting to meet some wonderful new folks because of this. :-)  My friends who aren't in endurance were absolutely flabbergasted at the indispensible help and information I received.

Endurance folks are the greatest.   Hopefully some day I'll be one of them, after I've done my homework :-)

Dana in No Cal


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