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Re: [RC] Pony Express on NPR - Magnumsmom

Angie Wrote:
I heard the promo on that. The guy said, "Some of these riders rode so
hard they literally bled out the nose and mouth"...and I'm
thinking...then why haven't I seen any Endurance Riders doing that? Maybe
their horses had some REALLY rough trots! >g<  What was the average
distance they rode? How different would it be from endurance?

Per reference books (my favorite being "Pony Express: The Great Gamble"
by Roy Bloss) the pony riders rode 50 miles per stretch.  However,
they switched horses every 10 miles.  The idea was for the riders
to ride 5 horses and then the rider would switch out.  The riders
rode at a hand gallop the entire 50 miles.

Such things as express station raids and indian attacks ment some
times a rider and horse had to keep going.  I believe the longest
ride ended up being over 300 miles, atleast most of that on the
same horse (the one the rider was on when he got to the first
raided station).

Years ago I posted the original ad wording looking to purchase 
the horses for the pony express.  It's probably in the Ridecamp 
archives somewhere.  If I remember right they wanted grey mares 
14.2 to 15h.

:) - Kathy Myers
in Santa Fe, NM



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