And people were making fun of ME at Kootenai
Classic because I had the long-brim Cashel visor on MY helmet (5-1/2" brim
sticking out front) ;-D Y'all definitely oughta see Heidi's straw-hat
helmet brim, it's certainly unique! Heidi, you should post a pic on your
website or the PNER board files :-)
After all the razzing I got, I am going to get that
even-sillier looking Cashel "sunbonnet" brim just to really give folks something
more to giggle over :-) Really though, the shorter visors do not cut the
sun glare off my face, and I would also like a brim that goes all the way around
to shade my neck as well. I am a city mail carrier by profession, and I
wear a white plastic pith helmet year round. The brim keeps the sun,
rain AND snow from going down the back of my neck. Young people make fun
of me, but every year I have a number of older gentlemen approach me to ask
where they can get one!