[RC] Rattlesnakes on the Olmstead Loop - sindy mccosker
My dog that was bitten yesterday is doing okay. The Vet sent her home last night with 2 medications and instructions to take her into Loomis Basin if she gets worse. She is VERY swollen on her lip and neck area. She doesn not have much energy and is keeping very close to me. The puncture marks where the fangs went into her lips became visable today when they started to bleed. The Vet said to watch her on the 2nd day for red blood cell problems. I guess the snake venom can cause red blood cell destruction starting the 2nd day after a bite.
There is nothing like hearing your dog yelp and hearing that rattle. Makes your heart stop for a few minutes. Thank God my young mare loves to trot next to me. We made good time back to the parking lot and the Vet!