When I was in the guide and
outfitting business as a licensed Hunting guide, I had ALLOT of hounds, and 2 or
3 collars. The thing you have to do is get a dummy collar, dog/horse wears it
all the time, that's how you keep them from knowing the collar is what is doing
it. You want the animal to think it was the action or what ever your signal is
did it to him. When I used it to break hounds off chasing deer or whatever I
didn't want him to go for, they would think it was that particular animal that
did it to him. So in the future when he smelled a deer he naturally reacted" Oh
no, I'm not going there!" But when they smelled a bear or lion they were
encouraged to get it. I don't think using them on horses is a very good idea.
Horses do not react mentally to electricity like dogs do. I have not known of
much success with horses,. Yes he may stop what it is you want, but he will have
unscheduled panic attacks when he feels something or hears something that he
thinks may be it. Can be dangerous. I once knew a complete fool that put one on
his mules tail to teach him to lead, that mule was, till the day he died, the
most dangerous critter to be behind you ever saw. Annie G.