You know, after reading Barney Fleming's very fine article in the new Endurance News, I got to wondering about how many folks really know how to care for a horse after an endurance effort.
I know what I do and what I look for, and I also know that after a ride/race many folks like to "socialize, imbibe, or whatever," and that is part of the reason alot of us go to see friends, talk, lie to each other, whatever.
I have seen some folks take after-care to the nth degree and it can be awe-inspiring.
I have seen some folks ride 'em hard, put 'em up wet and just take care of themselves.
So, what do we look for in after-care.
Most of us try to monitor the eating, drinking, peeing and pooping (EDP's), but should we take a temperature? let them EDP, then let them just sleep? should we let them EDP and then handwalk them?, etc.
Most of us clean 'em up, maybe ice legs, sponge bathe them, etc...but what are the things that would give us more insight as to a metabolic-issue sliding silently 'round the corner AFTER the endurance tenting, cap refill, mucous membrane?
Just thinking about after-care,