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Re: [RC] trail etiquette (and sportsmanship?) -
Glenda R. Snodgrass
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RE: [RC] What does this tell you? -
Dolores Arste
[RC] equine poll - Linda B. Merims
Michael Maul said:
>It may also show how knowledgable the people
>taking the poll are. Taking the poll sets a
>"cookie" so you cannot take the poll again.
>Turning off cookies before you take the poll
>- or opening new tabs in Mozilla/netscape allows
>you to vote as many times as you wish.
I was wondering about this. I always have
cookies disabled as a matter of standing policy.
I was wondering whether their software was
sophisticated enough to record the IP of
the voter server-side, and then sort through
the results
to eliminate duplicate IPs. Not
for dial-up'ers who can login again, but
better than nothing.
So, all we have to do to "win" this "poll" is
get Michael to write a script that hits this
URL repeatedly with
the right parameter while
refusing cookies and
we can "win" by "millions"
of votes.
Oh, and hope that the "other side" doesn't
just do the same thing.
So maybe all the poll measures is the number
of hackers on each side ;-)
On the other hand, I would agree that anything
that moves horse
people to actually
on their
own behalf
is therapeutic and a good habit to
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA
Re: [RC] equine poll
Glenda R. Snodgrass
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RE: [RC] What does this tell you? -
Dolores Arste
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Re: [RC] trail etiquette (and sportsmanship?) -
Glenda R. Snodgrass
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[RC] equine poll
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Re: [RC] equine poll