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[RC] gait vs leg stress - Marlene Moss

I have a question about what will stress a horse more – trot or canter – regarding leg tendons and ligaments.  My husband and I are riding 2 very different horses.  I have an amazing mare that loves to trot and can trot at least 16mph.  Her best pace is 10-12 mph but I try to be careful and not let her pound too much on hard surfaces.  My husband rides a more laid back horse that cannot seem to stretch his trot beyond 9mph and of course his heart is more efficient at the canter.  I think that the tendons and ligaments have to stretch more at the canter so we shouldn’t be letting him canter all day.


We’ve been toying with the thought of getting another horse for my husband that is more matched to my mare – of course he thinks I’m just trying to get rid of all the geldings!


Any thoughts on this topic?  Is the horse going to be fine cantering if that is what he is conditioned for?  How much do people try to break up the time spent in each gait?  


Thanks for any advice!
