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[RC] Shades Black Hills Ride part 1- long - Teresa Van HoveI never got Shade's Black Hills ride story written last week, partly because I was busy cold-hosing her leg 2x/daily. She finished the ride sound, but she got quite a bit of fill in her hind legs, especially her right hind, which she managed to scrape a bit, right above the fetlock during the ride. Long story short is that she is not going to go 25 miles at Ashland. I'll probably haul her up so I can take a mild ride on her over the weekend though. I thought she was short-striding on her RH on tues, and though she has not shown any hint of anything since, even when I had my vet out on Wed to give it a good once-over (what can I say I do get a bit hyper-chondriac with my horsey kids :) the swelling has been persistent enough that I will skip the 25 on her at Ashland and she'll just do some mild trail-riding this weekend --but Grey 'gets' to do a slow 50. Shade is 6, but has seemed a year younger than her actual age since I bought her as a 2.5 year old. My goal with doing LD's on her this summer is for them to part of her LSD work to prepare for future 50's. and our Mountain Region LD rides are usually great for training like this, the winning pace is often only about 8 mph --including at Black Hills both days last week BTW; and there will be riders doing an easy 6-6.5 mph pace which is what I'll be aiming for with Shade for the most part, depending on the ride. I was really pleased with Shade's ride last Sunday. Saturday after finishing up with Grey Moun, I went for a trail ride on her with my sister. I wanted to cross the river, which I knew had excellent footing a few times to refresh Shade on water before we hit the LD loop the next day which had softer footing on the little creek crossings. (Shade is still a bit scared of mud). We crossed the river 3 times heading out, just following cow trails and the river valley instead of the official loop 2 track. We had doubled back along the river at one point, thinking we'd find another good crossing spot and there was a cattle crossing near a fenceline but I made Naomi and Patrick double back to my crossing as the cattle spot looked like it got deepish and their cut up the bank had a wet spot that might have been quite soft. I was sticking to building Shades confidence with easy water crossings. Those 6 crossings we did were great. I love that river. I started her near the back of the pack of those that started right on time. (I didn't realize it, but several folks waited a few minutes before starting) Shade was really quite good. She took a few horses passing her in stride, and was being quite good about not crowding right up behind the horse in front of her. Last year when I riding a very green 5 year old I vowed I'd never start one again - and probably I wont, but I am enjoying Shade this year. First loop about the only excitement was once when I'd held Shade back from the mustang in our little group of 3, and she was trotting to catch up, he went charging off the trail up a steep little incline. Good thing the gal riding him has good balance. Shade and I were no where near running right up on him, but I suggested to the gal that perhaps hearing us had set him off and he'd do better in the back. She did drop back, but the mustang still took off a few times -always well off to the side; so Shade and I never felt threatened that we were going to get run over. Elaine (I never caught her last name) led the way on her mare "Mouse" We came into the first vet check and Shade did fine. She runs hotter than Grey, so I pulled her saddle and sponged her before heading to the timer + our group had walked in. So Shade was down w/i a few minutes. We vetted thru and I turned her and Grey into their electric tape pen to eat (Grey was on high-tie while we were out-I think I trust him less to be by himself in camp than Shade) Shade ate and drank better than Grey had the day before; but when I pulled her out of the pen her expression and attitude remined me of Gary Coleman on the old 'Different Strokes' show "what you talkin bout Willis/Teresa?" too cute. I was a few minutes past my out time so Elaine on Mouse and the young gal on the mustang were gone, and I thought I was the last LD'er so Shade and I would be on our own the whole way, or until the 50 miler front runners passed us up. Shade was a good sport about going out again, a great sport until we completed the C where we turned out onto the trail instead of back to camp. Then it was a few more minutes of "What are thinking?" but she let me insist that yes we are doing this all again. I let her walk a lot thru the painted canyon-even though its nice footing and 2-track wide, and up the big hill, then we were up in the hot spot of the trail. Teresa and Shade =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=