[RC] silly questions re electrolytes - Karen Bratcher
Re the homemade electrolytes with crushed Tums...
okay, this is a dumb question, but when Tums hit my stomach they react with the
acid making gas, causing me to burp. Does it not affect the horses that
way? Not enough Tums to make much difference? I was just wondering,
having just gone through a mild colic with the aged mare last night (no, she
hadn't had e'lytes or any dietary changes, no idea what caused it).
And, how do you keep syringes working? I've
been using two 60cc syringes the past 10 days to orally administer crushed
antibiotic pills mixed with applesauce to my colt. After washing a couple
of times, the plungers started sticking badly. I've tried coating the
plunger rubber and the syringe insides with a little oil, and spraying with
Pam. It helps but not completely.