Hopefully some of the vets here will be helpful...
1. I'm getting ready for spring shots. Was concerned about giving all the vaccines at the same time. Especially with the new WNV. Would it be better to have intervals for each separate shot? maybe a few weeks apart? For spring I usually give the 4 way, a rabies, Intranasal flu (the old shot isn't effective where I live-only covers 1 or 2 strains I found out), strangles if necessary (an outbreak) and now WNV. I'm very concerned that administering these vaccines in the horses body all at once could overwhelm their immune system and cause illness.
Any thoughts on this would be most helpful..
2. Regarding beet pulp. Any record of it being responsible for colics? And will it help rid the intestinal tract if there is any possible sand in there? I think I remember reading somewhere that beet pulp was more effective than pslium? Not sure.
Anyway, any insight would be greatly appreciated...thanks.