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[RC] Gas price survey - Kathie Ford

Hey guys, I'm curious about something.  It is kinda endurance related as it has to do with gas for travel...so here goes..
My husband spoke with a trucker that came into his business last week and he told my husband that he "filled-up" in Nevada and Utah and it cost him $250.00.  Then had to fill up in California and it cost him $500.00!!!! 
Now what I'd like to find out, is, are gas prices higher in California than in other states?  I wanted to take a survey on Ridecamp cause I know people on this forum are from all over and travel quite a bit.  So, observations, experiences, input?
I think the oil companies are trying to scam us AGAIN!  They are using the excuse of "war" but there is no war yet...seems to me it is another big excuse to reach into our pockets and I'm really angry.
So how are the prices in other states guys?  Any further thoughts?
Steve Elliot said "the horses are out"..I agree!  As long as they will be safe...Never know with the nit-wits out there on the roads now a days and the lack of respect.
I'll get off my soapbox now...just wanted everybodys opinion.

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