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Re: Hoof dressings?

Since you brought this up, I noticed a new hoof "dressing" (don't know what
else to call it) when we stopped at a farrier supply the other day.  It's
called Freexez Hoof Freeze.  Supposedly they use it on race horses and other
performance horses to take the "sting" out of a lot of hoof pounding on
rough tracks, arenas, roads, etc.  Has anyone ever used this?  Would it be
legal to use in competition?  I wouldn't think so but have wondered if its
application might help just prior to competition?  Or after?  We
occasionally see those horses who get ouchy and a few "old timers" we know
of swear by using turpentine for that very thing...taking out the "sting".
We have suggested it to a few people now and then and it has worked.  I
can't think of the ingredients offhand though turpentine might be one of
those things among others.  I can call and get it from the supplier.  I was
just curious if anyone had experience with it and what they thought of using

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