Going to 'Talladeaga ride for the pleasure ride option with my daughter and her tb. Figure I'd see how Rascal acts with a buddy and check out the trails, it is only about 2 hours from here and have never been. We may camp Friday night ,but may just go in early Sat. Little hesitant to leave the 18 month old (colt)and my not so secure mare after selling off the babys mom last 10 days ago. They have gotten rather agitated and gone thru the electric tape that separates their pasture from the ring next to the outer perimeter fence we rode out of twice this week on trail rides.I am debating locking both in stalls for the day or day/night as a friend comes to check on them. My mare just calls , but the yearling takes down the tape(I think I have a short I need to look for)He can't really get hurt on it, unless he got it tangled around something, it breaks rather easy.And we aren't sure if it is 1.5 hours there or 2.5 hours. We are near I20 and 278 if anyone knows how far from the border(Ala. Ga.) driving time the park actually is. The other fun thing is it is supposed to be 38 Friday night. Never camped that cold before. HHHmmm Makes leaving at 5:30 Sat. morning, look good. I hope the trails aren't too rocky. We only have front shoes and I need to reshoe the backs for her tb, as she is riding again and he is ouchie on the rocks around here. Rascal could care less about rocks. Rascal has been a plug going out with Champ: lately, be interesting to see how the excitment affects him. He was really silly at Fort Gordon and I took him out alone, but he was "buddy sour" even though he didn't even know the horses 25 feet from us. I';m hoping getting him out like this with Champ will help. I now know why "buddies" ride together. He likes any horse I just need to get someone else intl he family to do this with me and he'd be a plug. Well if anyone knows anything about Talledeaga trails or cold camping let me know thanks Laurie and Rascal(who is supposed to get clipped this week.)
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