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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:22 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Unsubscrib me.. tired of deleting the bickering - kit kat

    I would like to be unsubscribed. I want to thank all the ppl that have made postive postings.. but I seem to constently be deleting bickering and nasty words. I have not asked anything for months on this thing and the moment I do.. I have ppl jumping down my throat. It Reminds me why I stopped posting in the first place. This used to be a forum where I got good information.. now.. everyone fights and insults and makes me sick to my stomach. I feel sorry for any new riders that are joining this forum as it would have made me tuck tail and run if I had seen this when I first came on here. We are supposed to be riding for fun ppl! Even if for me.. its only doing the first loop of a ride.. but no.. I think its not fun for alot of you.. And you make the assumption that others are just as competitive. Maybe I will find a nicer forum.. Yet again.. thanks to all who have helped me... See ya.

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