Re: [RC] Proposed Bylaws - Removing Family Membership & Citizenship require... - Heidi Smith
> ==== from the online explaination
> This area no longer shows the family membership. The existing bylaws
> defines family membership for voting purposes as having two votes. Under
> the new bylaws all family members 18 or older will be allowed to vote.
> existing and proposed bylaws allow the board to establish the dues
> structure so there need be no change in dues with the passage of the new
> bylaws unless the board decides to change for some other reason. Family
> membership as originally designed was a father and/or mother with all
> supported children living at one address or at college, receiving one
> Endurance News and two adult membership votes. Under the proposed bylaws -
> all family member adults will be allowed to vote.
> For example, a father, mother and two daughters (both 18 or older and
> supported) still at one address or at college receiving one Endurance News
> would now have four votes. The words family membership may not be in the
> proposed bylaws but everything is in order for the board to continue the
> family membership dues structure. Section 5.05 provides for the board to
> determine dues structure and which allows for the family membership dues
> structure to continue.
Thanks, John. That is a clear and concise explanation of the family
problem. Unfortunately it does not deal with the resident alien issue. The
preamble to the change states clearly that "regular" members must be
"citizens" of the US or Canada. That clause alone still requires a firm NO
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If you are an AERC member - PLEASE VOTE in the upcoming By-Laws
Election!!!! (it takes 2/3rds to tango!!)
- Replies
- Re: [RC] Proposed Bylaws - Removing Family Membership & Citizenship require..., SandyDSA
- RE: [RC] Proposed Bylaws - Removing Family Membership &Citizenship require..., John Teeter