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    RE: [RC] LD 6 hours - John A. Teeter

    I was also thinking on this, that the MAX time shouldn't really be a big
    issue in the LD events.
    That is, max time is more related to RM and Vet convience because they have
    to be there till the competition is over (i.e. the max time).
    The participants in LD shouldn't have to worry much about being overtime,
    its a shorter distance and they need to be able to go at whatever pace is
    correct for them.
    Why do we have a cut-off time for LD?
    LD's are only held in conjunction with endurance distances (where the max
    time is at least 12 hours). Why not make the max time in LD 12 hours
    (inclusive of the 30 min pulse criteria:)
    It's no burden on the RMs the Vets or the Horses is it??
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Michael Maul
    Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 9:42 AM
    To: ridecamp
    Cc: mmsprice@xxxxxxx
    Subject: [RC] LD 6 hours
    In response to:
    The purpose of the rule in LD
    including the recovery time in the ride time is to discourage
    The only time this 30 minutes over the total 6 hours comes into play is
    for those horses arriving at the finish line between 5:30 and 6 hours.
    For all others - especially those in the top ten - the clarification -
    whether it's 6 or 6:30 has no effect at all.  Meeting criteria to finish
    is still the same and discourages over-riding.
    I can't say that I believe the riders who have been going at a 5:30 pace
    are likely to be over-riding their horses.
    While I haven't made up my mind on this - I'm waiting for the discussion
    at the meeting - I think it's important to note that under the rule -
    placings would not change at all.  You still finish when you meet
    criteria - not when you cross the finish line.
    The only thing this rule clarification does is allow the very slowest
    riders a chance to get a completion and close to last place rather than
    Mike Maul
    AERC Director-at-Large
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    [RC] LD 6 hours, Michael Maul