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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:20 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] lame horse
  • - Lucie Hancock
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  • - Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

    [RC] - jen cochran

    Hey ya'll,

    I had a question for the veteran riders out there and need advise.

      Recently I have been looking at a horse in my area over the internet. The seller had a web page for this horse describing all his life experience, training, endurance potential and the fact the he has "15 more good riding years left in him before retirement". I called the seller yesterday and talked to her aobut the horse. Everything sounded perfect to me and he sounded like a great horse. HOWEVER, I asked how old he was and turns out he's 21.... Now call me crazy or just not as horse smart as I thought I was but isn't 21 getting up there in years? My cousin has a 21 year old gelding and he's pretty much retired now. The horse doesn't look a day over 12 in the pictures and looks fat and healthy, but I have qualms about getting a horse that I won't be able to use after a few years.

    I have also been looking at a 5 year old Mare that has almost the same amount of experience as the gelding mentioned above. HOWEVER the only problem with her is that she's in Californnia and I won't be able to see her before the purchase. What are some experiences people have had doing a "sight unseen" purchase on a horse. I know it's not the best thing to do but.....

      Would I be better off getting the 5 year old mare that has about the same amount of experience or the 21 year old gelding?

    Any help would be great.


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