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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:22 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: [RC] manure mess on legs
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  • Prev by Date: Re: [RC] Finding your saddle size
  • - Laney Humphrey

    Re: [RC] Finding your saddle size - Lif Strand

    At 10:52 PM 7/16/02, Laney Humphrey wrote:
    How about encouraging your neophyte to visit a big tack store, even
    if she/he is looking for an endurance saddle, just for the experience of sitting
    in lot of saddles.

    Thanks Laney - that's exactly what I told her to do! _____________________________________________________ Lif Strand STRAND ENTERPRISES http://www.fasterhorses.com Quemado NM USA

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    [RC] Finding your saddle size, Lif Strand
    Re: [RC] Finding your saddle size, Laney Humphrey