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    Re: [RC] [RC] Help, New Horse... Need Some Hints! - Milinda Ellis

    John T.,
    The rest of "I don't want to be rude" is 'but I'm going to anyway...'.  I
    don't know you, and I don't know Sarah.  I have no personal axes to grind,
    but as for this not being endurance related and telling an admitted newbie
    that they should lurk for 4 to 6 months, reading the archives????
    Additionally, I was really glad to see a post that is "not really in the
    spirit of ridecamp".  Lately, a lot of the spirit of Ridecamp has been
    character assassination and just plain mean.  Isn't one of the purposes of
    this list to disseminate information and trade "war stories"?  I don't know
    about anyone else out there, but that's what I thought and hoped for.  I
    have yet to ride a ride, but I've worked a lot and seen a lot.  I have yet
    to come away from one where I didn't learn something.  That's what's so neat
    about this sport.  You can have/gain insights that may be beneficial to
    others, whether your a seasoned veteran rider, or a seasoned veteran
    volunteer.  But there's no need to get nasty.
    Does anyone wonder at the exodus of subscribers lately?    I don't.  My
    information is below -- fire at will!
    Milinda Ellis
    Beargrass Cleveland Bays
    Jewett, Texas
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "John Teeter" <johnt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: "kit kat" <patchworkfarmshorsestuff@xxxxxxxxxxx>
    Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 7:17 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] Help, New Horse... Need Some Hints!
    > I really don't want to be rude, but this post has basically nothing to do
    > with endurance riding and really really doesn't belong on ridecamp. I'm
    > sorry, but stories about horses chasing milk cows around is making even me
    > think that everyone who can ride is out riding and the people left in the
    > room really like dogs better.
    > Could you please just lurk for 4 to 6 months before you begin asking
    > questions. read the archives for awhile. Again, I really don't mean to be
    > rude, but this post is just not in the spirit of ridecamp - its really not
    > about endurance even tho you taked a fluffy wind-puff question in at the
    > end.....its really about horses chasing dairy cows around. maybe you
    > post it on a dairy cow list??
    > johnt
    > =========
    > At 05:47 PM 6/17/2002, you wrote:
    > >Hi,
    > >
    > >I Have practiced John Lyons teaching and Have found they work
    > >unfortunatly, were I board there is no round pen. I am hoping after a
    > >couple of day, she will settle.  Unfortunatly, the cows are 1 feild
    > >sepperated.  I am trying to get the pen closest to them and the road.  I
    > >cannot put her in with any cows around here because they are all dairy,
    > >and there lively hood.  Last time I did that was with my last her(were i
    > >work on a dairy farm) and she thought it was great fun to chase them...
    > >ever seen 40 cows with HUGE milkers racing across a field.... Its A
    > >LAUGH..... BUT the milk quota goes down and I GOT IN TROUBLE!  So...
    > >a little tough.. I ALSO think she may be in heat, but i do not know here
    > >actions well enough to tell.... I Do think at has alot to do with not
    > >trusting me.  I think because she is an ex-track horse, she has issues
    > >with trusting.  I am hoping when she learns to trust me, all will be
    > >well.  Other then the spooking and getting upset, she seems to have
    > >good ground manners.   Nips a little, but the last owner hand feed her
    > >treats all the time, so she thinks she is going to get some.  One more
    > >question about endurance.  She is has windpuffs... now i know that does
    > >not cause lameness and what not, but will that cause me not to be able to
    > >ride in an endurance ride?  THanks again for all the helpful hints.
    > >Sarah:)
    > >
    > >_________________________________________________________________
    > >Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com
    > >
    > >
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    > >Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
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    > >
    > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    > John Teeter
    > 208 987 1206 (208 834 2788)
    > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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    >  Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
    >  Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp
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     Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
     Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp

    Re: [RC] [RC] Help, New Horse... Need Some Hints!, John Teeter