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Re: Orchard vs. Bermuda Hay
>I'm taking my horse off timothy hay because I think she >is sensitive to
it . (Constant loose stools) I can choose >between bermuda or orchard. I've
looked >EVERYWHERE (even Susan's website) to find out >more information on
each feed and which would be >best. Pro's and Con's?
Both have roughly the same average energy and protein, but good quality
bermuda is easier to get consistently in So Cal and has a better
calcium-phosphorus content. Orchardgrass is most likely to be a little
deficient in calcium, so either you have to feed it with a bit of alfalfa
(which isn't a big deal, just don't go crazy with it), or you can feed the
bermuda. If the orchardgrass is more expensive than the bermuda, go with
the bermuda. If the bermuda is more expensive than the orchardgrass, then
either bite the bullet and pay it, or get a bale or two of alfalfa and dole
it out with the orchardgrass as though the alfalfa were plutonium (ie, about
half a small flake a day total).
Both orchardgrass and bermuda are going to be at their best and most
digestible in So Cal if it's first cutting stuff (ie, grown in cooler
weather). If you can, find the cool weather cuttings and fill your barn if
you have room and money for it.
Susan G
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