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Race lines
There are other racing-line bred Arabs that have excelled in endurance.
Start with Wendell Robie; He rode a stallion named Bandos who was sired
by the ex-racehorse *NASR and out of the Polish mare, the ex-race horse
*BA-IDA. Horses with *CZUBUTHAN in thier lines have always done well in
endurance, as well as the *WITEZ II lines. *CZUBUTHAN held the world
record for 2 1/2 miles and 4 miles. *NASR held it in Egypt for 6
furlongs. The Polish breeders use racing as a way of testing
trainability, endurance, soundness etc. It is not their only means of
testing their horses, but has been useful to them. The Poles, until
recent times, used their horses in their cavalry so were particular about
their mounts being sound, having good minds and stamina. happy dusty
Trails Renie
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