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Re: Naked Riding
Come on, Carla, now I know you can ride bareback. You just admitted it to
the world. Ok, RC is NOT the world, but at the moment (icky, slippery, rainy
out for 3+ days), it seems that that is all there is. You're going to be
branded as a bareback rider!!!! Hahaha, your turn to be flamed and told
you're a horrible horse person. Oh, whoops, I'm going to get flamed for
that. Oh, well. I can hit the delete key as well as anybody. If worse comes
to worse, I'll go away until my hurt feelings are scabbed over and then
creep back to read the archives, then bravely set my email back to get all
those wonderful RC messages until I say something somebody screams at me for
and then I'll repeat the process.
Carla has converted to bareback riding!!!!
Speaking of bareback, I am free-leasing an Arab. Serts. He's a GREAT
bareback candidate. I would LOVE to do an LD on him bareback. Much better
than my Apache (on whom I did 2 LDs -- I know, I know, not endurance --
bareback once upon a time). Apache's trot was horribly bouncy. But Serts has
a trot to die for. Ground covering and perfectly able to ride bareback. I
think I'm in love (Sorry, hubby). I'd think about doing endurance on him,
but poor Tanna would be so upset and hurt and besides Serts has that old
knee injury that might not hold up under the pressure.
Hey, I wonder what kind of comments I'd get if I rode in an endurance (OR
LD) ride bareback, barefoot (me AND Serts! :) ), with a side pull? Sound
impossible? Maybe, but it'd sure be fun to see RC's reaction. Maybe I'd
bring an easy boot to throw at people? Or those dogs running around camp.
But then again, Serts is death on dogs, so he'd go after those loose dogs.
Carla has converted to bareback riding!!!!
Bareback. I much prefer it. Too bad Tanna's a BIT freaky and unpredictable.
What, a young Arabian gelding unpredictable? No way!!!
So I bought an Australian saddle. No naked riding for me. Saddle or no. Best
I'd do is barefoot, shorts and a sports bra under a tank top. Anyway,
anybody got any thoughts on Australian saddles? Seriously. And how do I tell
if the one I bought is an Indian made one or an Australian made one?
Carla has converted to bareback riding!!!!
BTW, back to the naked thing...I think my hubby would love a picture of me
bareback, naked, cantering around. Hmmm...Christmas present? Now who to get
to take the picture. No, Howard, I don't need you coming to my rescue. Hey,
Carla, you and I can get some nice pics for our hubbies! :) Course, gross,
for the reasons Carla already articulated. Maybe a skin colored body suit.
Hmmmmmmm????? Ok, it's only 6:30 here. Feels more like midnight. Carla, you
bring out the rambling idiot in me.
Another point. Tanna freaks if I go to get him wearing a shirt he's never
seen before. If I went out there au natural, I think he'd turn tail and run
(as only a gorgeous Arabian can) full speed away from me.
Anyway, I think I'll go find something else to do for awhile.
PS. Carla has converted to bareback riding!!!!
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